Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Class 6 Assingment 4

I went into layout then went into Page 

For Page title i added eveyone's full first name and the first letter of their last name.

This is how it came out at the end as tabs at the top of my page.

Midterm #8

Here is the original picture, I have wrinkles on my for head. 

Here i am wrinkle free! 
In this midterm I was able to take an original picture and edit some wrinkles that i had on my for head. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Midterm #7

I chose the painting of the girl with the pearl earing.

This is me using eclipse to make the logo fit over the eye.

I then copied the first image that I was able to fit over the eye and applied it to the other eye.

Here i added a black banner with the rectangular box in tools. I then filled it black with the paint bucket.

Here I'm adding some text to the banner by using the text box and then I chose a bright color for the font.

This is my final result!

This is midterm number seven, where I was able to edit a famous painting and add text and logos to it. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Class 6 Part 3

Made this coin using GIMP
I first started by making the coin gold using the paint bucket

then used a bright yellow to write the word Liberty

Here i added Susan B. Anthony and the year 1999

This is my gold coin re-sized also i make this using the old structure of my silver coin.

I made this coin on Microsoft Word 
I first started by making my silver dollar coin from grey to yellow using the fill in bucket paint.

I then first changed the date to 1999

I then selected each line that was made to create my picture for the previous coin yellow so that it could disappear.

Finally i drew Susan B. Anthony to the best of my ability. 

Class 6 Part 2

I created this coin in GIMP 
I first created a circle using the oval shape and i used the pencil to write out the word Liberty

I then proceeded to use the pencil and drew her face.

I continued with the pencil and wrote the year 1992

I finally cropped out the extra space i had to put more focus on the coin. I know the coin looks black but i chose grey but didn't think it would look this dark. 

Class 6 Part 1

I first started by making a circle using shapes

I then used the swigly line in the shape option to create the face and the word Liberty

At the bottom of the coin I added the date 1992

Here i cropped the coin using GIMP

Class 5 Assigment 10

In this survey i was asked questions based on the social media i use such as facebook , instagram etc. I was asked how many times i used those applications and the purpose of me using it for. I took me 15 minutes to complete this survey while i was taking my time and answering every question carefully. 

Midterm #4

I was not able to make my avatar sit for some reason even when i tried editing her she just didn't want to sit down. This is Midterm 4 - Taking "selfies" of our avatar in Meshmoon. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Class 5 Assignment 7

These are my three rounds with the bear. I had asked to play with another classmate but did not get a response and so i decided to play with the bear. I won all three rounds! but then lost the other rounds, the bear definitely stepped it up a but after i beat him the first time.

Class 5 Assignment 6

This is my clone picture, It actually was not as hard as i though it would be. I was able to use the same tools that i used to layer this picture as we did for the penguin last week. after i layered it I added a plane white layer then used a paint brush and the picture on the left was starting to appear as a spread the paint brush on the left side. This also proved to me how easy it is to photo shop pictures and adjust them. 

Class 5 Assignment 5

This is my input on the Photo Shopping video

This was a conversation I had with Danny and Stephen about the photo shopping video.

This is a dove commercial where the ladies are asked by a professional sketch artist to describe themselves as he is drawing them. He then asks a stranger who had met with the same person he interviewed to describe what they looked at. the results are incredible please watch if you have the chance.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Class 5 Assignment 4


This is my Piktochart for Immersive Education 2014 in Paris France. This is a banner explaining the benefits of Immersive Education and what it will be able to bring to Paris. The conference was held in Los Angelo and was attended by a lot of well known companies such as  Walt Disney Animation Studio, Google and many more. I was able to grab my information from

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Midterm #10

I was able to follow the steps from Vector Graphics and was able to build this house.

This is Midterm #10.  We learn to use shapes  and was able to build a house with it. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

Midterm 9

This is me first trying out different shapes in MS word. 

This is midterm #9These are the shapes i created in Microsoft word. I used different colors for both the shape and the arrows. I was also able to add text into the shapes by using add text. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at