On February 9, 2015 Boston announced that the next Immersive Education of 2015 will take place in Paris, France. In this years summit it will include six different technologies such as Virtual reality, Holograms, Robotics, 3D Printing, Neurogames, and Cybernetics. Within those six technologies there are different companies that are currently working with some of those technologies. Companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple Watch etc. There will be an announcement in March in regards to the date and venue of the summit. For more information feel free to visit http://summit.ImmersiveEducation.org
Robots are made to accomplish a job that is made by their owner. Some robots are made to work alone with out someone telling it what to do. Not all robots can do tasks by themselves they would need the assistance or the command of a person. Robotics is the study of robots.
NASA uses robotic arms to move some space craft. Robotics are also used on airplanes so that the plane can pilot itself without another person having to so it physically. Robotics are mostly used to do things that humans can not. It is easier to send a robot into Mars and have it see how the planet is rather then sending humans and risking their lives.
I robot was a movie all about robots. The main focus in the movie was to show how useful and safer life can be with those robots. I use this video as an example so that it can give a sense of how some robotics work in the real world. Currently nothing like i robot has been created to help people in their everyday lives but it is used more with larger companies to make the hard work easier.
This is an image of one of the robotic arms that NASA uses to send out to space or different planets. Robotics are not just objects that move large objects or with airplanes. Robotics can also relate to some of the current toys that kids regularly play with. Whether it be a toy that uses voice command or a toy that is remote controlled. it can go in the category of robotic.
Robots were introduced by the U.S. in 1960. Since there was an advancement in technology through the years robotics have been advanced from manufactures to working with health care. At a dental office a robotic arm is used to help with the process of cleaning teeth, sanding down teeth, etc. Back then when manufactures were able to see how quick robots were able to do the work that a human does many robotic arms started being used in companies. At that time there was a large increase in unemployment.
It was cheaper for the company to invest in a robotic arm that would be able to work all night. Rather then to pay over time to those that work all night and would not even produce the same amount as the robotic arm could. Robotics is most commonly know for the benefits of making time move faster and produce more products. More information about robotics will be held at the IMMERSION 2015 summit.
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