Thursday, April 30, 2015

Final Project: Old State house

I first started with a base before i started to construct the Old State House. 

I then went to building my walls.

Here i was able to finish building all the walls of the building.

This is the top of the State House. 

I started to build the white part at the top of the State House. 

 The next two pictures are of one of the sides of the state house. I first started with the top windows then worked on the small balcony and finished with working on the  bottom windows. 

The next two pictures  are of me working on the top piece of the building.

This is the completed top piece. 

I then started working on the other side of the building making some open space for the windows

This is the other side of the building there wasn't too much detail needed on this side expect for the number of windows needed. 

The final two pictures are my completed  Old State House!

These are the three pictures that I used to guide me while building the State House. 



This is apart of my Final Project. I had to build a structure in MineCraft that looked like the Old State House in Boston. I used the brick for the entire building, then the stone, some sandstone, and clear glass for the rest of the building. It took a long time to build up all the walls, but once that was done, it wasn't' too difficult to make it look comparable to the actual building. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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